Month: January 2010

  • Something that frustrates me to no end is how much people enjoy texting.  I hate texting.  First of all, I'm extremely slow at it because I don't have one of those crazy keyboard phones so I have to sit staring at the phone for like five minutes pressing numbers over and over to type, "Hey how are you."  Another problem is that I hate when people use things like 2, 4, u, r and also just a few letter to represent a really long word so they don't have to type it.  I mean, I don't fucking know what you mean when you type that shit!  I get all confused and I don't know how to respond and then I end up just ignoring the message, which is usually followed by an equally confusing second message wondering "wer im @", not to mention that each of these short, pointless attempts at communication costs me $.10 because I don't have unlimited texting...because I wish texting would die in a fire and I don't want to support people's constant need to try and involve me in it.  There are a few people who send me long and interesting texts and who don't repeatedly ask me why I'm not responding, but they are VERY few.

    On the other hand, another thing that frustrates me is how fucking slow people are at instant messaging.  I usually end up losing interest in a conversation because people take like a minute to type three words.  I could type an entire paragraph, or two or three even, in a minute.  I've been typing since I was really young and since I started blogging I've gotten really really fast at it.  So to for me to actually be engaged the entire time while instant messaging I have to be talking to like six or seven people at one time and they all have to be responding as fast as they can or I just get bored and give up.

    And then there are phones.  Don't even get me started on phone calls.  The phone occupies a hand, so I lose the ability to do any complicated tasks while talking on it.  Also, I have a long neck so I can't really comfortably hold the phone between my cheek and shoulder.  And who wants to look like a complete tool with one of those little ear things where you look like you are talking to your imaginary friend all day?  The only person I can really put up with long phone calls from is my mother, and that's because I love her and have the patience to share my time with her.  Otherwise, I expect phone calls to consist of one of two things:  planning times and places to meet OR situations where I need information quickly and can't wait on an e-mail.  Any other time I don't want to get a phone call.  Don't call me on my birthday, don't call me at Christmas, don't call me because you are bored.  Don't call me unless you want to meet me in person or you have a fucking emergency!  And don't expect me to call you unless I have one of the same two things to talk to you about. 

    Finally there is e-mail.  I love e-mail.  I can take my time and really think about what I want to type.  I don't get angry if people don't immediately respond because it's not expected with e-mails.  I'm not required to finish an e-mail before I do something else.  I can start one, check facebook, watch some television and then come back later and finish it off.  I think my favorite person to e-mail is my crazy grandmother because I don't want to completely ignore her, but phone calls with her are really really REALLY long and very strange.  E-mails, on the other hand, can be read whenever I feel like and can be responded to at my leisure.  Another thing is that e-mails leave a nice time stamp.  If I say I sent you an e-mail at blah time on blah day, well, even if you deleted it it's in my sent folder.  That has saved me several times when professors say, "But I never got your paper," and I'm like, "But I sent it to you.  Check it out."

    Really, though, of all the forms of communication, face to face is my favorite.  Most people talk at the same speed, understand at the same speed and get bored at approximately the same rate.  I guess this post has gotten kind of long and ranty, but what I'm really trying to say is I miss people enjoying face to face communication.  To me, there is no other way to make friends.  I don't make friends online.  It's not my thing.  I only talk to people online because I can't see them in person.  There is just something so irreplaceable about seeing someone's face and smiling with them and laughing with them that certainly cannot be expressed with "lol" or anything like that.  I just...hope humanity never loses that enjoyment of actual face to face interactions.  It scares me sometimes that one day we will all be living in our own little boxes chatting with fake friends online in the dark while sustenance is intravenously fed to us.  Anyway...that's kind of depressing.

    Don't replace face to face.  Don't let your interacts with others amount to nothing more than a jumble of chat logs.  Don't stop hugging and laughing and smiling and winking.  Don't ever stop.

  • I slept for 12 hours today, breaking the horrible cycle of insomnia I was suffering through!  Yay!  I feel groggy, but not so exhausted like I was yesterday.  I could barely bring myself to tap the square button repeatedly to boost my GF attacks last night.

    So yeah, I finished Final Fantasy 8 for the second time last night, cementing my thoughts that it is a really badly designed game with lots of gimmicky functionality and a leveling system that basically makes any level higher than the lowest level possible pointless to obtain.  I wonder what it would have been like to fight a level 10 final boss.

    Anyway, that's not my main point.  I finished the concept art for my Zell costume this morning, which was my reasoning for playing the game again.  It looks like I won't actually need that many yards of fabric since I can just buy a pair of knee length boy shorts and probably a charcoal tank top and then just make the jacket.  I might try and make the tank top as well just because it has some patterns inlaid into it in the game, I think to accentuate that Zell has abs or whatever, but I don't so I may just skip it.  I'll probably go to the fabric store today and rummage around to see what I can find.  I've also figured out what I need for my husband's Spike costume, so I'll pick that fabric up as well.

    You may ask yourself, "Why is she making random video game/anime character costumes?  She's a bigger weirdo than I thought she was!"  Well, I'm planning them now so I don't have to scramble come May.  "But what happens in May?" you ask?  Anime Central!  And it's only like two hours away from Chambana!  How could I NOT go??!  I'm really excited about dressing up since 1) last time I didn't and 2) last time I was also about 15 pounds heavier than I am now and would have looked really awful in most costumes.  I don't want to be one of the people that ends up online as a horrible train wreck where you just...can't...look...away.  It would suck if someone had reason to refer to me as "the fat Zell that was hanging around the yaoi stand" instead of "the mildly attractive Zell that was hanging around the yaoi stand" so I won't let that happen.  And there are so many super fat people who dress up as really skinny characters.  I mean, seriously, if you are a fat girl, don't dress up as Yuna!  Dress up as Lulu!  People will appreciate your giant tits in a Lulu costume, but they won't enjoy all your skin showing as Yuna...

    But I digress.  Anyway, let me reiterate how excited I am about the costumes as well as actually sleeping again!  It has been a good day.

  • I just want to say that I love egg rolls.  They are basically the perfect food.  The egg rolls I make myself are my favorite.

    I'm exhausted and I can't sleep.  I can't even nap.  My mom suggested taking some antihistamines.  I don't know what to do.  I guess you need more than eight hours of sleep in four days.

  • At the university I am attending, pregnancy tests are available for free at the student health center.  As I was walking up to the counter, a frustrated looking girl with a beautiful face (aside from it being scrunched into an awkward frown) and an hourglass figure in normal sorority girl garb pushed past me while stuffing a medium sized brown paper bag stapled shut into her gigantic expensive purse.  I sighed and thought to myself, "She looks rape-able," because that's what I always think about sorority girls in those skin tight leggings with their underwear lines along their apple shaped asses clearly visible as they walk away from you.  I arrived at the counter and cheerfully expressed interest in a free pregnancy test.  The woman gave me an eyebrow raise and then smiled in a nervous way and handed me...a medium sized brown paper bag stapled shut.  I turned it over in my hands for a moment and then asked her how many I could get in a year.  Again, the woman smiled nervously and responded that I could only get them twice a semester and that perhaps I should think about alternative methods of birth control if I planned on needing to know so often.  At this moment I looked her straight in the eye and said that I was trying to get pregnant and that she probably shouldn't jump to conclusions about people so easily.

    With that I walked away, but as I thought about the situation, the girl walking away from the counter, the woman behind the counter, the bag to conceal the pregnancy test, all of it was so negative and depressing.  Something I jokingly say to myself could have easily been true.  That girl could have gone to a party, gotten super drunk and then been raped by a douchey piece of shit just because he could.  Or her boyfriend could have asked for sex and told her something stupid like, "You can't get pregnant if I pull out," and now she had missed a period.  Or she could have been behaving almost responsibly, using a condom which broke or perhaps missing a couple birth control pills and just worrying about the situation.  Regardless, it was all negative.  And the rude woman behind the counter certainly didn't help any.  Her insincere smile and thoughtless comments were pretty uncalled for.  And the bag, the pathetic attempt at disguising the little object, really only served as a reminder that she, this random girl who's life could be in so many places, should be embarrassed and regretful about her current situation.  It made me angrier and angrier as I thought about it more.  Why should someone be persecuted more than they have already persecuted themselves for whatever mistakes, controllable or uncontrollable, that they had made?  But, I couldn't really think of anything I could do about it...  I was so frustrated because something that should have been exciting and greeted with a joyful, smiling desk attendant asking me what I was thinking of naming the child and if I wanted a boy or girl and blah blah blah had instead been turned into something depressing.  It just sucked the joy out of me.  I still don't really know what I would suggest to improve the situation.  There is such a stigma for a girl younger than 30 to be seeking or purchasing a pregnancy test that one person's frustration with it probably doesn't matter all that much.  *sigh*
    Dear women over the age of 35 on craigslist:

    I understand that you are all worried about your safety and you live alone and blah blah blah, but when I don't respond to your stupid e-mail asking me to put my credit card information into some weird ass verification website, this does NOT indicate that I am a weird stalker who wants to kill you and eat any children you might have while having sex with your corpse.  Please don't flag my entry because I deleted your e-mail instead of responding to it and therefore must not be willing to verify my identity because I lied about it, and don't tell me that you flagged it because I would really rather you just did it and I didn't know why instead of being given a really dumb reason that angers me.

    Look, I'm a 23-year-old girl.  You could just as easily be a 45-year-old serial killer or some kind of phishing bot (because all the responses I ever get from late 30's women have the exact same basic formula) hoping that I will give you my information through whatever website you send me so that you can steal my identity or something, not that you would get much money.  I mean, every response is something like:


    I was browsing cg and saw your ad.  I am a [insert descriptive words matching ad request] 3X-year-old woman.  I like [some stuff] and [some other stuff].  I am looking for [a deep connection/just some fun/a serious relationship/whatever] and thought I would reply.

    I live alone and for my safety I want you to verify your identity.  Enter your credit card information and you can see my phone number.  Here is the website:

    [insert link made up of random letters]

    Hope to hear from you soon!
    [generic woman name]

    To say that I could be a stalker or a spammer or something is basically the pot calling the kettle black!  Everyone on the internet could be one of those things!  So don't flag my ad just because I don't respond to you!  Sheesh!  Weirdos!


  • I can't sleep anymore.  I've become some type of insomniac in that I lay down to sleep and can't seem to keep my mind from having conversations with me.  I lay awake talking to myself about all kinds of things, imagining situations, pretending things happen, talking over the situations of the day and how they could have gone differently, and all the while squeezing my eyes shut hoping that eventually my internal conversations will instead translate into dreams.

    I was physically in bed by about 3:30 AM this morning, but because my mind was stuck on analyzing Final Fantasy 8 and what I need to do to get ready for the oral qualifier in April I didn't actually fall asleep until around 8:30 AM.  And I woke up about an hour and a half ago. 

    Something I can say for myself is that I am usually a "normal" sleeper.  I go to bed and fall asleep in about half an hour.  I sleep for approximately eight hours.  I wake up groggy, but become energetic within an hour or two of awakening.  However, while studying for the qualifying exam I had no schedule.  Nothing was happening.  I would wake up, start studying, continue studying, eat something, study a little more and then go to bed when I couldn't study anymore.  By the end of the break, with no real commitments at any normal hours I was at the point where I was going to bed at 6 AM and waking up at 4 PM.  Then, in the last few days, I've been trying desperately to get back to sleeping on a schedule compatible with the real world, especially since I've been feeling pretty ill on awakening and don't particularly like it.  Unfortunately, probably based on the immediate sleep cycle change from 6 AM to 4 PM over to 2 AM to 10 AM, I now can't sleep at all.

    I hope I don't start a Fight Club.  Oh, I'm not supposed to talk about that.

  • Let me preface this entry by saying that I'm very sorry for the extreme delay in posting all these things.  All I can say in my defense is that I can be a pretty lazy bastard sometimes.  The following concepts will be listed in order of importance from least to greatest and not in chronological order because it's easier for me, what with so much stuff to post about.
    Everything in my life, working toward my PhD, trying to learn Mandarin and how to play the keytar, working hard to maintain my health and physical fitness, everything, has basically been to keep me busy until I felt I was ready to have children.  And now I am.  I'm no longer on birth control and at this very moment I could be pregnant.  It's strange to say, but having sex for the biological purpose of procreation is so much more satisfying than having sex for fun and pleasure.  There is no worrying about whether or not one is pregnant, because one wants to be pregnant.  There is no regret, because one intentionally engages in the act with a set purpose that cannot be achieved in any other fashion.  It's really liberating, honestly.  It's probably the most satisfying experience I've ever had.

    But pregnancy brings about many other concerns.  Am I eating right?  Am I healthy enough?  How hard and how much can I work out and not risk a miscarriage?  Will my baby be healthy?  Will working in a biological laboratory effect my unborn baby adversely?  If the fetus is diagnosed with a physical or mental ailment will I be able to abort?  Will I have a natural birth or will they have to operate?  Will my stomach bounce back or will I be left with huge stretch marks?  Will my vagina become a gaping chasm that echos if you talk into it?  All these things, even the more trivial ones, are concerns of mine.  And I was experiencing pain in my right ovary a few days ago.  I spent nearly 6 hours straight crying and sobbing and blowing my nose and then crying even harder because I thought I might have ovarian cancer and they might have to remove all my reproductive organs.  Being able to birth children and survive to raise them is not something I take lightly.  Thankfully, when I went to the doctor it turned out that everything is completely normal except that I have an inverted uterus (probably the reason I like doggy style best) and the pain was probably cause by me ovulating for the first time in a little over 4 years.  And as for birth defects, working in a biological lab is actually much safer than working in a lab where heavy metals are used.  I mean, the same things that destroy biological experiments are the things that I have to avoid, so the lab is actually pretty safe save for a few key situations that I can avoid with proper protective equipment.  Plus, I have married a man with my same views on raising a mentally impaired child, that being that we would rather abort and save our energy for a child with at least average mental capacity.  I can deal with almost any physical ailment, but to have a child who can't understand the world around them, or who cannot interact with other would destroy me considering I value intelligence and understanding above everything other than furthering my genetic material into the next generation.  I honestly don't think I am a strong enough person to love a child like that.

    Anyway, let's not talk about that anymore.  My ovaries are normal and functioning and I will leave it at that.  My husband and I have been mulling over what we will name a child and it's proving more difficult that I originally thought it would be.  I think the problem is that every time we both agree on a name, there is always "that one guy that one time" or "that stupid bitch in high school" who shares the name and who ruins it for us.  We've settled on only two names:  Faye Anna for a girl and David Michael for a boy.  Hopefully I don't happen to have twins of the same sex because we would be fucked for the second name.  Or triplets!  Fuck.

    One thing that's kind of sad about being pregnant is that I've already been told I can no longer breakdance or play DDR.  There's no way around it.  The two activities are just too dangerous and shock involved for a pregnant woman to engage in them.  A small price to pay, but a price nonetheless.
    I passed the qualifying exam!  I am now a PhD candidate!  Now if I flunk out I can say that I was a PhD student at least for a little while.  And I've started my research.  I was actually sitting at my little desk today, shuffling papers and pretending to read things while I was, in fact, eavesdropping on other people's conversations.  I really like the common office space for my group because there is always someone around to talk to and make you feel less lonely and isolated as you stare down at complicated diagrams of DNA structures and protein functions.  Most people are very friendly and those who aren't are just shy, not rude.  It's nice.  I guess it's something I've always dreamed of and never fully realized how much I wanted it until I had it.  I'm a PhD student!!  I'm a PhD student!  I have laboratory space and I know where to order petri dishes and I have a lab coat and people greet me as an equal.  I think that is the best part.  People in graduate school really listen to you.  I think perhaps it's because all the students already knows that everyone around, including themselves, is basically part of the cream of the crop in terms of intelligence.  Maybe PhD students aren't the highest paid people and maybe they aren't on the same level in terms of leadership as, say, the CEO of a major company, but everyone knows something and everyone is willing to share it with you if you are willing to listen.  It's almost this mutual unspoken agreement that if you have something to say then I have the time to listen to it.  It's kind of a hard thing to convey without someone actually experiencing it because it's more than that.  It's just...I don't the force, it's all around you and you can tap into it if you have the right receptors inside you.  But it's gentler than the force.  It's for communication, not physical violence.  It's like the ABC Family version of the force.  Now I'm definitely just rambling.
    I put an ad out on craigslist and actually got a legitimate response for the first time ever.  Two of the three responses were from women in their late 30s who couldn't possibly have anything in common with me other than that they would like to touch a hawt young female body.  The legitimate one was a very attractive 22-year-old Asian veterinary student.  We met for lunch and I enjoyed the encounter, but I could tell that she wasn't really interested in what I was.  Not only did she mention that she thought married women dating was weird (without knowing I was married), but there was just this general feeling of restlessness with her.  I don't think she is really looking for a serious relationship right now and being faced with the option of being tied down to one person must have hit her while we were talking.  I of course told her after the meal that I was married in an e-mail because I didn't want to hide it from her, nor did I want her to get uncomfortable in a restaurant.  She responded with the exact thing I had gotten from the encounter; that she wasn't even really sure what she was looking for or if she would even recognize it.  I told her she should just focus on having fun for now and not worry about it.  Without a doubt I was disappointed, but at least she was my age and attractive, unlike a lot of the women who seem to prowl about on craigslist.  I see this as a positive sign and I'll have to put up another ad soon, this time with age requirements and the inclusion of my marital status to avoid any future confusion.  I told my husband that once we get into our 30s we will have the pick of the fucking litter.  He responded by saying that regardless of generation, single 30ish women are insane and that's why they are single.  He has a point.
    I hate L4D2, not because of the game itself, the controls, the graphics or anything like that, but because of my husband's reactions to playing it and desire to turn the volume way, way up.  Now, I'm not saying I hate the noises games make.  I personally require noise while playing a game for it to really be fun.  My mom used to say about Final Fantasy games when I played them back in high school, "Can't you just turn off the sound?  You read everything anyway!"  Well, sure you do, but the game designers put the noises in for a reason and that reason is to engage you, to immerse you.  If I can hear my mom shouting for me to wash the dishes, well, I'm not really immersed, am I?  But, and this is an important and specific but, 1) I am afraid of zombies, 2) I hate unnecessarily (not all) loud noises, and 3) there is one fucking gun in that game that makes a sound that, to my ears, is like some kind of fingernails being shot at a chalkboard.  I think it is the "silenced" machine gun with something zip tied to it.  I can't remember the name.  Anyway, if the sound is playing I'm probably annoyed, and he plays it late at night when I'm about to go to bed.  Since I'm both a small child inside and afraid of zombies, I end up having horrible nightmares about everyone I've ever loved being killed in horrible ways during the zombie apocalypse. 

    So, sometimes I can convince him to listen to the game with his headphones on, but then come his reactions to the game.  When he plays with other people, 9 out of every 10 of them is a COMPLETE FUCKING ASSHOLE!  FUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!  YOU FUCKING SUCK AS THE CHARGER!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!  ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??!!!  HOW COULD YOU MISS THAT SMOKE?!  Okay save me, save me, SAVE ME!  SAVE ME!!  OH, NOW I'M DEAD YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!  YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME!!!  OH KICK ME?  I'M GOING TO QUIT!  HAHA TOO FUCKING BAD!  So, really, the problem is not solved when the headphones are on, and in fact it's more frightening because he isn't shouting the entire time he's playing, but in intervals that last a few minutes intermixed between dead silence, so not only is it emotionally taxing to hear my husband so angry, but it scares me each time he starts on one of his rants.

    In summary, people like my husband should not play L4D2 or really any competitive FPS game.  That doesn't make the game bad, or even him bad.  It's just not a compatible pairing.  Thankfully, recently, I told him how much I hate when he plays it and he sheepishly apologized and hasn't played since, admitting that the game frustrates him so much that it isn't really fun anymore.  Thank fucking God.
    My research professor is the cutest fucking thing ever!  I swear he could be Clinton Kelley's body double.  He's always so well dressed and he's got this little nervous cuteness about him, like a puppy that hasn't really gotten used to you yet, but let's you pet it anyway just because it is too nervous even to run away.  I'm glad he's gay because it makes me feel better about being attracted to him.  I think I would be pretty uncomfortable if he was straight and I was constantly checking him out.  Last week he came to class in these perfectly tailored tweed slacks with a white button down shirt and a black sweater vest and everything fit him so well that he could have been a manikin in a classy men's clothing store.  A classmate and I looked at each other and discussed how cute he was and I felt like I was in middle school ogling a boy as he walked down the hall.  And after we were done talk at almost exactly the same time we both said, "...but I would never say that to him because it would be totally inappropriate."  At least we are both on the same page.
    There, I think that mostly covers it.  I'll try and get back to updating more frequently. <3

  • 1:30 PM.  Am I ready?  I fucking hope so after so many hours of preparation.

    Mass and Energy Balance - Complete - 13 hours
    Principles of Chemical Engineering - Complete - 18 hours
    Thermodynamics - Complete - 15 hours
    Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology - Complete - 8 hours
    Process Control - Complete - 5 hours
    Process Design - Limited Coverage - 1 hour
    "Transport Phenomena" by Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot - Complete - 27 hours
    Applied Mathematics - Complete - 2 hours
    Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis - Complete - 3 hours
    Microchemical Systems - Limited Coverage - 1 hour
    Heat and Mass Transfer - Complete - 10 hours
    Semiconductor Materials Processing - Limited Coverage - 1 hour

  • Today's a palindrome so I felt obligated to post for future reference.  I'm not going to make a long post, just logging my progress.  I promise I'll get back to posting when I'm not studying 12-16 hours per day for the most epic exam of my life.

    Mass and Energy Balance - Complete - 13 hours
    Principles of Chemical Engineering - Complete - 18 hours
    Thermodynamics - Complete - 15 hours
    Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology
    Process Control
    Process Design - Scrapped because there is too much information to cover.
    "Transport Phenomena" by Bird, Stewart and Lightfoot - Complete - 27 hours
    Applied Mathematics
    Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis
    Microchemical Systems
    Heat and Mass Transfer - Incomplete - 4 hours
    Semiconductor Materials Processing

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