August 11, 2010

  • It's been a while.  I think the problem is that my life hasn't been particularly interesting lately.  Not that that's a bad thing.  In fact, I much prefer when things are calm and predictable to when they are crazy and stressful, so there's that at least.

    I made a huge batch of tamales for the last dinner club meeting where I was the hostess.  I had never made them before and was concerned that they would be very difficult without help, so I invited a couple people over to expedite the process.  Together, we made a huge pile of tamales and it turned into more of a party than anything else.  It was so much fun!  I definitely want to have another tamale making party in the future!  Also, the tamales turned out really well.  Everyone said the vegetable ones were really flavorful and had a nice amount of heat to them.  The pork ones were my favorite, even though they were too mild for most people's taste.  I should have added jalapenos to them like I did for the vegetable ones.  And the third variety was just masa wrapped around some shredded Mexican cheeses, which, while simple, was still super delicious, kind of a cheesy corn bread taste.

    A few days after making all the tamales, my husband and I went on a trip to Missouri to visit our parents and I brought some along to share with everyone.  Sadly, I forgot them at my husband's parents' house and my parents didn't get any.  I promised them I would make even better tamales next time they came to visit us, and that will probably be some time in September, but I still felt terrible for forgetting them.  Ah well, what can you do.

    By the time we were traveling to Missouri I had been doing the P90X work outs for a while and had a fair amount of definition on my abs as well as sizable muscles on my arms.  I showed them off to everyone and my husband's mom impulsively decided to purchase the entire P90X program.  Here is my theory as to why:  She saw my abs and felt inferior, as though she had to one-up me to keep her son's (imagined) adoration of her intact.  She flipped out and decided that whatever I was doing, she could do better and then immediately made the decision to purchase the work out videos I had been using.  She wasn't even interested in watching one of the videos before placing the order, even though I had them on my laptop and could have easily showed them to her.  I really don't know what the hell that woman is thinking, but what I do know is that I really don't enjoy being subjected to it every couple of months.  Too bad my husband's house is on the way to mine, so we can't really give excuses like it's out of the way or anything like that.  And what makes it even worse is the way she lavishes her stupid dogs with attention while we are there, even though 1) her son should be more important and 2) I have a dog phobia which she knows about and apparently thinks is unimportant.  Whatever.

    Other than that little rant, life is fantastic.  At this point I'm nearing the end of my first month of P90X and I can really see a difference.  Every part of my body is more muscular and I don't get tired as easily anymore.  My abs are well defined now and the veins on my arms pop out when I'm just sitting around, which I assume means that my cardiovascular system is also running more smoothly.  I'm progressing (slowly) in aikido and hope to test for my first belt in a couple months if I'm lucky.  Piano lessons are going well (even though I don't practice as much as I should) and I've decided to make the jump from one hand to both.  Since I only have my keytar and it's not the best for two handed practice, I'm going to start heading over to the music building during long incubation times in the lab and using the free practice rooms when I can.  I mean, the music building is only like a block away from my lab, so it's really convenient.  I haven't gotten too far with my Mandarin yet, but I don't feel too bad about that because life has been busy (in a good way) and I've gotten a lot done lately.  So yeah, things are going really well.

    Like I said, not too much to report.


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